Make Anything Manifesto

     When I first started Make Anything 3D Printing Channel on YouTube in April 2016, I wasn’t entirely sure of where it was headed, and I certainly didn’t expect it to grow as rapidly as it has. Over time my goals have started to become more clear. What I want most out of Make Anything is to inspire people to see the world through the eyes of a creative problem solver. I want people to not just accept things the way they are, but to realize they can take control over their surroundings and make a positive impact.

     I am eager to popularize 3D printing and show people that they can benefit from the technology, even if they aren’t necessarily designers or engineers by trade. I think 3D printing has the potential to improve the world because it leads to rapid development of solutions, it minimizes transportation of manufactured goods, maximizes the lifespan of products, and improves the functionality of objects through hyper-personalization.

     I hope to build a network of creatives young and old working together to stay curious and stay inspired. Creativity breeds positivity, and we could always use more of that!

